
Welcome to the Waltham Forest Privacy notice video.

Keeping your information safe is important to us. So we thought you'd like to hear our commitment to your privacy, and how we will use your data.

We will always be open with you and tell you when and why we collect personal information about you, whether via applying or receiving our services, living or visiting the borough, or visiting our website.

We never collect any personal information we don't need, but there are times when we have to use data about you to deliver council services and anything we must do by law.

This information we'll use will never be more than we need, and it helps us to deliver our range of council services. We may need to show your data between services within the Council so that we can keep our information on you as up to data spots and so that we can improve our services to you.

Each service that we provide to you also has its own, more detailed privacy notice, which explains how services use your information and the legal basis for doing so.

We should also add that we share data with other agencies and government bodies in accordance with the law. We might also use the information you provide us, for example through a survey, to listen to your ideas about Council services.

Whilst we do not store surveys against your records, we will only ever contact you about your responses if you've asked us to do so. But of course, you're in control of your data. If you think the data we have about you is wrong, tell us and we'll put It right.

If you decide that you no longer want to receive information from us, tell us and we'll stop. Unless we are required to provide the information by law or for some other good reason.

If you want to see what records we hold about you, ask us and we'll tell you.

We collect, process, store, and share your data safely and securely and make sure our providers do the same. Once we no longer have a legal requirement to store your personal data, we'll securely delete it. Plus, we will never share your data with anyone outside your organization for the purposes of marketing, without your consent.

Your personal data is safe in our hands.